All students and employees (full-time and part-time faculty, staff, and service personnel) are invited to the 2025 UNITAS Games on February 28 (Friday) at the Parking and Sports Building (PSB). The assembly will precede the games at the PSB at 7:30 am. Classes and work will be called off for the whole day as everyone is encouraged to participate in the event.
The imposition of ashes will be administered during the Masses on Ash Wednesday (March 5):
7:45 am Sancta Maria Stella Orientis Oratory (SMSO)
12:05 pm SMSO and Dizon Auditorium
5:00 pm ALB Oratory for Liturgy of the Word/Imposition of ashes (NO Mass)
Ash Wednesday is a day of universal fasting and abstinence in the Church. Fasting (required from ages 18 to 59) takes only one complete meal and other partial meals. Abstinence from meat is also required for Catholics 14 years old and above.
Everyone is invited to the onsite public seminar hosted by the Master of Science in Management Program on March 8 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the PLDT Hall.
The topics are as follows:
"The Effects of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) and Social Influence on the Purchase Intention of Online Shoppers in the Fast Fashion Industry"
"The Effect of Environmental Concern and Environmental Knowledge on Behavioral Intention towards Ecotourism of Gen Z Tourists"
"The Effect of Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Association, and E-Brand Experience on E-Loyalty Among Sportswear Industry Customers"
Email [email protected] to register.
Wed, 26 Feb, 2025
All female faculty and staff are invited to the Meditation for Women at the ALB Oratory on March 18 (Tuesday) from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm. This monthly 30-minute meditation offers an opportunity for female employees to pause, reflect, pray, and listen to God.
Immediately after the meditation, a merienda get-together will be held at the Executive Cafe. This activity aims to build camaraderie among female employees, foster personal and professional growth, and serve as a venue for fostering initiatives (e.g., outreach activities).
To view the full schedule of meditation and get-together sessions for this academic year, click here. To register for the activities, click here.
For inquiries, please contact Ms. Zoila Pilola at [email protected] or Dr. Lexie Estacio at [email protected].
Tue, 25 Feb, 2025
Everyone is invited to the onsite public seminar hosted by the Master of Science in Management Program (MScM) on March 8 (Saturday) from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the PLDT Hall.
The topics and speakers are as follows:
"The Effects of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) and Social Influence on the Purchase Intention of Online Shoppers in the Fast Fashion Industry"
by Sofia Fuentes, MScM 6th Year 6YP
"The Effect of Environmental Concern and Environmental Knowledge on Behavioral Intention towards Ecotourism of Gen Z Tourists"
by Bong Louis Peralta, MScM 6th Year 6YP
"The Effect of Brand Awareness, Perceived Quality, Brand Association, and E-Brand Experience on E-Loyalty Among Sportswear Industry Customers"
by Kian Wayne Tuliao, MScM 6th Year 6YP
Those who wish to attend may email [email protected].
Mon, 24 Feb, 2025
The History Department invites everyone to a talk on "Indiscreet Inventories: Contraband, Asian Goods Consumption and Global Networks in the Viceroyalty of Peru (1700-1740)" by Carlos González Balderas from KU Leuven on February 26 (Wednesday) from 10:00 am to 12 noon at the Telengtan Hall.
You may register here.
For inquiries, please email [email protected].
Mon, 24 Feb, 2025
The School of Education and Human Development (SED) once again offers its Family Life Education (FLE) Certificate Course.
The course draws on various sources for its content and design: the international and local literature on family life education, the “content areas” identified by the National Council on Family Relations and family life education experts, and notes of experience of local groups and organizations involved in helping families meet their various needs.
It is ideal for organizations (non-government, faith-based, civic, and businesses implementing family-friendly policies and programs), dioceses, parishes, local government units, schools (public and private), and school-related organizations involved in parent formation and education, guidance counseling, and family counseling.
The certificate course consists of 12 modules (six foundational and six professional-technical), delivered over 20 Saturdays (from June 14 to October 25, 2025), using a blended learning mode (a mix of in-person and online classes). Each meeting day features synchronous and asynchronous sessions lasting a total of six hours.
Apply through this link. Individual interviews will be scheduled as soon as the application form is received.
To learn more about the certificate course, check out the FLE brochure.
For inquiries, email us at [email protected].
Fri, 21 Feb, 2025
A team of accreditors from the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) headed by Dr. Dante Silva conducted an orientation on accreditation for the Master of Arts in Humanities (MA HUM), Master of Science in Human Capital and Organization Development (MS HCOD), and BS Business Economics (BSBE) Programs on February 17.
The orientation included focus group discussions on the areas under survey during accreditation visits: Philosophy and Objectives/Organization and Administration, Faculty, Curriculum and Instruction, Research, Student Services, Library, Social Orientation, and Learning Resources.
Present in the orientation were the Program Directors, Unit Heads, Program accreditation teams, and members of the Operations Committees of the College of Arts and Sciences (for MA HUM), School of Education and Human Development (for MS HCOD), and School of Economics (for BSBE).
In the closing meeting in the afternoon, the team of accreditors presented their exit statements, highlighting their recommendation to PACUCOA to grant Associate Status to the said programs. An associate status will qualify the programs for a Preliminary Visit, a stepping stone to a Formal Visit for Level I accreditation.
We congratulate the MA HUM, MS HCOD, and BSBE Programs for a productive PACUCOA orientation visit.
UA&P President Dr. Winston Conrad B. Padojinog (seated, center) with the PACUCOA accreditors (seated) and representatives from the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Economics, School of Education and Human Development, Academic Quality Assurance Office, Center for Teaching and Learning, Human Resource Management, Office of the University Registrar, and BIGGKAS+.
The team of PACUCOA accreditors (seated) with the representatives from the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Economics, School of Education and Human Development, Assets and Facilities Management Group, Academic Quality Assurance Office, University Library, Center for Teaching and Learning, Human Resource Management, Office of the University Registrar, and BIGGKAS+.