The University Credo

  1. We believe:
    • that education is a lifelong process, and its focal point is and should always be the individual person;
    • that the primary purpose of education is the integral formation of the human person, the fullest development of everything that is human in the individual;
    • that it is an essential part of the mission of a school to help and complement the family in the exercise of its educational rights and duties;
    • that a university must be ever attentive and responsive to the real needs of the community that sustains it to significantly contribute to human progress, and do everything it can to uplift the moral, cultural and material level of the country and the region in which it operates; and
    • that a university fulfills its role best when it forms individuals who are professionally competent, creative and enterprising, zealous for the common good, and capable of making free and morally upright choices, and who can thus act as positive agents of change in service to society.
  2. We, who form part of the University of Asia and the Pacific, therefore, dedicate and commit ourselves to:
    • the highest standards of professional excellence in our academic, scientific and cultural endeavors;
    • the inculcation of sound and time-tested human and social values and attitudes in people, beginning with those we work and live with and reaching out especially to those in most need of help in society;
    • the creation within the University of an atmosphere of academic serenity conducive not only to disciplined and diligent study, high-level research, and the responsible use of scientific inquiry, but also to mutual respect, openness, understanding, and friendship, without discrimination of any kind; and
    • above all, the arduous but most spiritually rewarding pursuit of wisdom, the synthesis of love of God and knowledge, faith and reason, culture and life.

Mission Statement

University of Asia and the Pacific is an academic community where the pursuit and spread of truth are undertaken according to the highest intellectual and professional standards. It shall remain faithful to these foundational aims:

To achieve these aims, the University of Asia and the Pacific shall:

The University Hymn

Star of the Orient

We stand together,
Joyful we gather,
As we remember
Our alma mater.
Herald of the east light,
Beacon of the true life,
Star of the Orient,
Lead us to the light.
With your radiance in the sky,
Guide us through the night.
Kindled by your bright flame,
We will strive in your name.
Star of the Orient,
Shine forth your light!
Let our alma mater
Flourish forever!
Let our alma mater
Flourish forever!