Orientation on the URO REA application
The University Research Office (URO), in collaboration with the ICT, HRM, and BPA offices, is introducing the URO Research Engagement and Achievements (REA) Application to faculty, academic non-teaching staff, and administrative staff. It will serve as UA&P’s online living repository of academic and professional accomplishments for purposes of performance review, rewards, updating of the University website, and accreditation by external parties. Since the REA App is a web-based application, it will always be accessible for updating. It is a major effort in building a single source of truth (SSOT) in the University.
The REA App is accessible through the HRIS 2.0 Alpha Stage. The HRIS 2.0 Alpha Stage is an ongoing effort of ICT and HRM to create a unified system for employee-related information.
URO will have an onsite orientation and an online orientation on how to access and input your entries in the REA app.
Onsite orientation
June 04 (Tuesday)
10:00 am - 11:00 am
ALB Case Room 2
[Register here]
Online orientation
June 06 (Thursday)
10:00 am - 11:00 am
[Gmeet link - meet.google.com/mdn-qyxr-tmw]
[Register here]
The REA App Primer provides detailed information on how to use the app and ensure a smooth submission process.
For any questions or assistance with the REA platform, please do not hesitate to contact URO at [email protected].