Thu, 9 Jan, 2025
HRM Advisories

IDP Cycle 3 for UA&P Employees


The Center for Student Affairs - Office of Guidance and Counseling and the Human Resource Management invite all faculty members and academic non-teaching staff who have direct dealings with students to enroll in the Students with Additional Needs (SwAN) Series to be offered this second semester. 

Part of IDP Cycle 3, the SwAN Series aims to educate and equip attendees with the skills needed to spot and refer and to manage students with possible additional needs. The following modules will be covered by SwAN on the following dates:

January 15 (Module 1): Learning, Evaluation, and Accommodation
ALB Extension Room 2

This module introduces the principles of educational assessment and evaluation, aiding teachers in designing activities and providing accommodations while maintaining academic integrity. The training component in this module will focus on discussing the process of creating tailored accommodations fit for the college environment. 

January 22 (Module 2): Neurodevelopmental and Mood Conditions and the Classroom 
Venue: TBA

This session focuses on identifying and managing both persistent and transient conditions, especially the ones that affect academic performance and/or may lead to a crisis situation. The training component in this module will focus on instructional strategies and accommodations specifically for the college environment. 

February 12 (Module 3): Creating Meaningful and Supportive Relationships with Students
Venue: Dining Halls 1&2

This module focuses on fostering a positive learning environment to enhance student engagement and learning. The training component will provide practical tips on supporting students in the classroom and managing student behavior effectively. 

February 19 (Module 4): Basic Mental Health First Aid Training
Venue: TBA

Participants in this module will learn to recognize common mental health symptoms, provide first-line help and guide them towards support. This training is available for faculty and staff who are involved in supporting students. 

March 5 (Module 5): Referral and Crisis Management
Venue: Dining Halls 1&2

This module focuses on identifying, responding, and supporting at-risk students. It will also discuss protocols for referral and crisis management. The training component will provide practical tips to follow in crisis situations. 

March 12 (Module 6): Basic Mental Health Hygiene and Management
Venue: Dining Halls 1&2

This module emphasizes the importance of maintaining and promoting positive mental health to prevent and address mental health issues. Participants will explore various strategies to adjust their practices in order to uphold their mental health. 

To enroll in the program, please click here

For inquiries, please email Ms. Zoila Pilola at [email protected]

Pearl Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1605, Philippines
(632) 8637-0912 to 26
Pearl Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1605, Philippines (632) 8637-0912 to 26